Placentia Library Director Message: Curbside and Home Delivery Service Begin June 8 (May 26, 2020)
Dear Placentia Library District Patrons,
We were reminded yesterday of the heroes who gave up their lives for something bigger than themselves. Memorial Day is a day to remember the courageous women and men who fought gallantly for our freedom. To our patrons who have lost loved ones while protecting our country, thank you for your sacrifice and we salute your heroes!
Beginning June 8th, we will offer curbside and home delivery services. There will be five designated curbside spaces, located just past the drive-up book return. When you arrive, please park in one of those spaces and call us at (714) 329-1310. A staff member will then bring your items and place them in the trunk of your vehicle. This ‘no contact’ service will reduce the spread of the virus. Home Delivery will be available to Placentia residents only.
For home delivery service, please call (714) 528-1906 x210. Books, audiobooks and DVDs will be available for checkout. LOTs items are not available for checkout. Home delivery service is available to Placentia residents with a current Placentia Library card. Patrons need to request the items through the Library’s catalog then complete the delivery request form, available on our website. Items may take up to 48 working hours to retrieve. Delivery requests must include full name, library card number, address, phone number, email, and information to access the home, e.g., gate codes or other special instructions. Our staff will knock or ring the doorbell, then the items will be placed at the door. Items will be in plastic bags which do not need to be returned to us. We will maintain a record of the delivery to include a photo of the location where the items were delivered and the delivery date and time. If our staff is unable to deliver the items, they will contact the patron. This ‘no contact’ service is contingent upon staff availability.
If you had placed a request prior to March 19th, you should have received a call from our staff about the status of your request. If you haven’t received a call, please email our staff at and a staff member will be happy to help you with your request. We want to be sure your items are available by June 8th.
On June 22nd the library will be open for limited service including computer access, passport and test proctoring services. Virtual programs will continue to be offered. A limited number of patrons will be allowed inside at any given time. A staff member will be stationed outside the entrance door to ensure masks are worn before a patron is allowed inside the building. Face masks are required for all patrons two years and older. Please be sure your mask covers your mouth and nose. A mask exposing those facial areas defeats the purpose of stopping the spread of the infection. Please be patient as our team cleans and sanitizes the computers, equipment and restroom after each use and only then will we allow the next patron to enter the building. We are all in this together, fighting the COVID-19 virus. The battle need not be amongst each other over mask vs. no mask.
We are excited to see our patrons again and provide in-person service. We respectfully ask our patrons to adhere to the mask and social distancing requirements. Please understand our staff has been instructed to enforce these social distancing and mask requirements. We want our patron’s library experience to be pleasant -- you can help make that happen. If you choose not to wear a mask, we have many digital services and e-content for you to enjoy right in the comfort of your home.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we begin to open for business.
Jeanette Contreras
Library Director