Life of Pi
Pi considers himself a convert to Christianity, Islam and Hinduism? Is it possible to practice all three faiths faithfully? What is Pi's reasoning in not choosing one?
Pi's story of surviving on a lifeboat with zoo animals is rather incredible. Did the far-fetched nature of the story ever bother you? Was Pi a convincing storyteller?
What is the significance of the floating islands with the meerkats?
What is the significance of the floating islands with the meerkats?
What is the connection between zoology and religion in Pi's life? Do you see connections between these fields? What do each of the fields teach us about life, survival and meaning?
Pi is forced to tell the shipping official a more credible story. Does his story without animals change your view of the story with animals?
Neither story can be proved one way or the other, so Pi asks the official which story he prefers. Which do you prefer? Which do you believe?
Throughout Life of Pi we hear about interactions between the author and adult Pi. How do these interactions color the story? How does knowing Pi survives and has a "happy ending" with a family affect your reading of his survival account?
What is the significance of the name "Pi?"
Rate Life of Pi on a scale of 1 to 5. 1=would not recommend/wish I could have that time back or 5=highly recommended to all.